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ScaleUp Group Partners are all established entrepreneurs and highly experienced business leaders who have been through the journey you are about to embark on.

Our Partners have collectively invested in over 100 high-growth tech businesses generating over £4 billion in exits as a result, in both the private and quoted sectors. The combination of our unique experience, guidance, worldwide connections, and investment means we support entrepreneurs on their whole journey, not just for the fund-raising stage.

I founded the ScaleUp Group ironically to ScaleUp my own investment and directorship capacity with like minded people who are still keen to contribute to deserving tech businesses whilst being appropriately compensated by leveraging their skills, connections and experience and so maximise the chances of creating highly successful companies. We now have a stimulating group of great leaders , many of whom are founders also, to which I would like to add in order to continue our own scaling up journey and help our clients on theirs.”
John O’Connell
Founder and Executive Chairman
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